The biggest jailbreak maker, Evad3rs, have been the arrow on Apple’s knees since day one. Their last product was the untethered iOS 7. While the world knows that they are capable of breaching the iOS 7.1, it seems that the torch is being passed to new face Winocm.
The individual hacker has been making quite a name for himself after going public with the world’s first untethered iOS 7.1. The lad shared a video on YouTube which demonstrates this ‘unbreachable’ iOS running on his iPhone 4. It is understood that the jailbreak is only workable on Apple devices which runs on the A4 chipset.
As for the iPhone 5 and newer, it requires the skills of Evad3rs. Word has it that the deities of the jailbreak community are making the custom iOS in secret. On the other hand, there are many claims that Evad3rs are on a long break and will return for the iOS 8.
Amidst the wait, jailbreak users have settled with the untethered iOS 7 and even make it function like the iOS 7.1 with all the tweaks from Cydia. On another note, iH8sn0w is known to be developing the iOS 7.1 jailbreak for the iPhone 4S.
All in all, there is no limit to what the hackers are capable of. Apple can try their luck with various security measures but it won’t be enough to stop the jailbreakers. If you wish to retain your jailbreak, then it is best to settle with the iOS 7 until more updates surface.