It is no secret that The Sims 4 is currently in development and this upcoming fourth sequel to the highly successful franchise have started a huge buzz in the gaming industry. The Sims have gone a long way since it first started in the 90s and it will continue to amaze the fans with The Sims 4.
However, Maxis have to consider certain things in the game to ensure its success. The game developer has yet to disappoint the fans but they wouldn’t want to start to do so. Fans of the game have been chiming their ideas for The Sims 4 and we have compiled three of the best ideas for Maxis to look up to. They are as below.
1. Next Gen graphic
It is 2014 already and if the graphics are still stuck in the olden days, the fans wouldn’t be happy. Both the next-gen consoles are already out and most games are already jumping into next-gen technologies. Maxis should do the same for The Sims 4 and deliver a futuristic looking game.
2. Campaign in different ages
Back in the Sims 3, fans thoroughly enjoyed the DLC the came along with it. The medieval DLC in particular allowed the fans to assume the role of a king and it certainly hits the spot. Being a simulation game, The Sims 4 should be equipped with more of the same campaigns. This is so that the players get to have a feel of being a king from the past or a space ruler in the future.
3. Interactive large maps
The interactivity in The Sims 4 is for certain. In the age of digital gaming where the games are no longer glued to the file size on the disc, Maxis should put in a large map for players to play on. Both GTA 5 and Skyrim have managed to pull it off and Maxis should board on that same train.