New GTA 5 Online Heists Postponed Over Hackers?

Gamers playing GTA 5 thought that Rockstar would release heists for online play around a month ago. This never happened and gamers are still left waiting for news about when heists will arrive. Heists may not have come to GTA 5 thanks to Rockstar having to focus on hackers as they were ruining the game.

Just last week Rockstar forced the hackers from the public servers, they had been put in a cheaters lobby while waiting for bans from the servers. So what will happen now with GTA Online?

Rockstar said that they are working to secure GTA Online and once they have they will get back to working on the DLCs. So it looks like thanks to hackers and cheats everyone has to wait until Rockstar gets time to work on the heists for online.

At the moment Rockstar hasn’t said anything about a release date for the DLC, but this is not fair on all the gamers that play by the books.

Pay-out for playing missions over again is poor but even so die-hard fans have been rehashing them.

Now there are less hackers in GTA Online and gamers are hoping that Rockstar will now be able to focus on the heist DLC. Protection Status