Mass Effect 4 Likely Plots

With Mass Effect 4 currently in development, players are confuse on how the save file will influence the plot of this upcoming adventure. On top of that, there is that Refusal Ending in Mass Effect 3 which shows the reaper winning the war and harvests every other civilization.

In a discussion among the fans, one player pointed out that the feature will be axed in Mass Effect 4. After all, this upcoming fourth sequel will look to debut on both the Xbox One and the PS4. As such, the save game feature from previous gen consoles won’t be compatible with the next-gen consoles.

If the saved game is utilized, then Bioware will have to create four different plots to cater it. This requires a lot of work and is unlikely to happen.

One player predicts that Mass Effect 4 will be like Star Wars Knight of the Old Republic 2 where instead of importing save files, the game starts with a new character that will follow the alignment of the predecessor.

This seems like the most realistic possibility. Of course, nothing is yet to get announced by Bioware and it won’t be long until the game developer clears some air for the players. We will keep you updated. Protection Status