iOS 7.1 Evasi0n Untethered Jailbreak That Was Released Is Purportedly Trickery

Just one week after iOS 7.1 was released the jailbreak community heard that over at the untethered jailbreak for iOS 7.1 was released. However there was something funny about it as it said that it was compatible with the iPhone 5S and that it didn’t have to be connected to a PC.

Many people did trust the website as it was said that it came from Joshua Hill, otherwise known as POsixninja. This is a name that is well known in the jailbreaking society.

Hill then denied that he had anything to do with the jailbreak and it turns out that it is nothing but a hoax. Owners of the iPhone who tried to download it found that they had an app which was flooding ads to their device.

The jailbreaking community now have to wait and hope that a jailbreak will be released for iOS 7.1. Protection Status