Over the past couple of months, more and more leaks on Half Life 3 have surfaced on the web and most of them are file names found in various coding. The latest to be discovered by ValveTime was on the codes for Source Filmmaker which was added back in January, 2 months ago.
The codes appear as placeholder text in the form of Python programming language that hints on the files used by game developer, Valve for the render farms. It is merely some directory for the company’s navigation without a simplified menu.
Three code fragments were spotted and they are as follows:
1. “self.projFolder_lineEdit.setPlaceholderText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(“renderQ_MainWindow”, “D:\\sfm\\staging\\game\\hl3_movies\\elements\\sessions\\dog_fight”, None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))”
2. “self.output_lineEdit.setPlaceholderText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(“renderQ_MainWindow”, “\\\\sfm1\\projects\\hl3_movies\\dog_fight\\renders\\”, None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))”
3. “self.projName_lineEdit.setPlaceholderText(QtGui.QApplication.translate(“renderQ_MainWindow”, “Dog_Fight”, None, QtGui.QApplication.UnicodeUTF8))”
The Dog Fight strongly hints on Dog VS Strider action back in Half Life 2: Episode 2. Since it is for Source Filmmaker, there is a chance that Valve is probably developing the cut scenes and trailers for the highly anticipated Half Life 3.
After all, the once existed codes have been accessed by Valve which would only mean that Half Life 3 is definitely in making.
Valve might be quiet and evasive when questioned about Half Life 3 but with all the leaks coming in quick successions, the fans are definitely getting excited for the franchise.