Statistics, charts and graphs have been shaping the world today and it continues to be utilized even in video games. The GTA 5 community who are playing the game’s multiplayer mode has been facing a hard time trying to grind out as much cash and RP points as possible.
Even when participating on every mission available on GTA Online, the rewards are oblivious to the players and will only be revealed once it is completed. At times, some missions are just not worth the effort as both the payout and RP points are very little.
That won’t be the case any longer. One of the players has been doing the community a great deal of service in creating a graph which tells which missions are great and which are not. With the graph, players can plot their adventure by deciding which mission to do first before the next.
It is a relatively simple chart. The Y-axis represents the RP received while the X-axis shows the cash received. Missions on the other hand are symbolized by dots and the colours reveals where the mission comes from.
Of course, some missions have to be unlocked before being playable. With the graph, players can keep track on which they can participate and which they can’t.
The graph has received a warm welcome from the GTA Online community and proved to be much of a convenience. See it for yourself here.