GTA 5 Users Resort To Legit Money Making Ways

GTA 5 is one of the best games around. A huge game like GTA 5 is bound to have some issues with bugs. However, Rockstar has been up to date in ensuring these bugs to not affect the players.

In GTA 5, money is basically everything. While there are many exploitable glitches for players to make money, it often does more harm than good. In fact, it is more tedious than making legitimate money. This could be the reason to why majority of the players are learning on tips and techniques instead of exploiting glitches.

If you’re struggling to make ends meet in GTA 5, there are many simple ways to follow. Just perform the following:

1. Assassination Missions

At one point in the game, Lester will call Franklin to do a series of assassinations. This is the best way to make unlimited, legal money. All you need is a capital. Invest all your wealth on the rival company of your soon-to-be victims and see your wealth skyrocket. Of course, the bigger the capital means the more money you’ll earn. There are many walkthroughs around the web for you to follow.

2. Robbing

Starting the game fresh is tough as you lack the wealth. Go around Los Santos and lookout for any convenience store. Point out your gun at the cashier and collect the cash in the register. It might not be much but it is fun.

3. Heists

Heist missions is what made GTA 5 special. On every heist, make sure to carefully select the best guy for the job. Every successful heists with 0% errors will ensure you the wealth of a lifetime in GTA 5.

There you have it. Simple and legal money-making methods. Over at GTA Online, things are much harder. The players there are currently adapting to grinding for cash all over again after Rockstar apprehended the cheater in the game. Protection Status