Hilarious GTA 5 Glitch Spotted That Delivers Chump Change

Who knew the cash register in GTA 5’s convenience store can be really generous. A new glitch has surfaced on GTA 5’s single player mode which gives players “unlimited money” in the form of small change.

Players can attempt the glitch for themselves. It is really simple to pull off. Simply play a random mission with the cops turned off in settings. While on the mission, head down to any shop, petrol kiosk or even ammu-nation. Take out the cashier and shoot the cash register.

Now this part can be really important. Upon shooting the cash machines, players need to place their ears as close to the speakers as possible. A sound indicating money falling to the ground can be heard. Once you’ve heard it, collect your earnings.

Walk out of the shop to enjoy the glitch. After about 10yards of walking distance from the shop’s entrance, players can hear that same money sound playing again. Return to the shop claim that second bag of cash.

It seems that the money in the cash register can also respawn. It might not offer a huge pay cheque but it does help if the player is really desperate. Besides, there is nothing wrong with enjoying a good laugh every once in a while.

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