GTA 5 For PS4 & Xbox One? Ha, Rockstar Has More On Its Plate First

Many fans of GTA 5 were upset when Take Two and Rockstar didn’t attend the E3 event. However Take Two said that they had confidence that GTA 5 would be in high demand despite the criticism from some fans. GTA 5 sales figures will not be affected when the next gen consoles arrive believe Take Two.

It was a surprise to fans when nothing was said about GTA 5 being available on the PS4 and Xbox One. There is little doubt that if it came out on the next gen consoles it would look superb. However it still looks great on the current gen consoles. It is thought that eventually GTA 5 will come out onto the PS4 and Xbox One, but at the moment we don’t know when.

The CEO of Take Two has been telling MCV that he is not worried at all about how the next gen consoles will affect sales of GTA 5 on the current gen consoles. He said that that around 120 million people own the current gaming consoles. He said that many of these people would buy the game as soon as it came out and of course owners of the Xbox One and PS3 flocked to the stores on launch day.

Zenick said that fans of the GTA series had been waiting for many years for the release of the game and so they would go and get the game even though GTA 5 was released on the same day as the new consoles came out in the US to compete for sales for the holiday period.

While GTA 5 would look superb on the Xbox One and PS4 you cannot take anything away from Rockstar in wanting to launch the game on the current gen consoles. The game looks superb and up to now Rockstar hasn’t said anything about its release on the Xbox One or the PS4. Protection Status