GTA 5 1.1 Patch & DLC: New Features & Extra Heists Expected

Rockstar released the 1.09 patch for GTA 5 and with it came many additions and game fixes. This does sound interesting and it does add in more to the game, but it seems that players are getting ready to see something new.

Rockstar should offer heists in the online game as this is what makes GTA 5 stand out and different. At the moment heists are only available in the single player part of the game. Gamers have also said that the heists should be more realistic and some gamers have said that Rockstar should put a feature in for when things go wrong and this would mean that players would then have to improvise.

One rumor said that perhaps a casino DLC could come to GTA 5 and this would give players the chance to get money or lose it, as the case may be. A casino DLC could bring mini games to GTA 5, such as Blackjack or poker. Rockstar do have some experience with this as it was seen in Red Dead Redemption.

An alien invasion was also suggested and gamers could be going back to the safe house after being out robbing and then have to get away from being abducted by aliens.

Of course what players get will depend on what Rockstar are willing to offer by way of their next DLC or 1.1 patch update. Protection Status