At first, Diancie got its move revealed. Then, there is the leak which reveals on how Diancie will be rolled out. Now, theme music for this upcoming Pokemon has been composed by a Pokemon enthusiast.
In light of the upcoming Pokemon X & Y movie, Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie, the fan has created a special music for this latest Pokemon to come into the game. The musician, known as MrLondonuts on his YouTube channel, expressed his love for Diancie by gifting it a song which is worth listening to. (See Below)
The fan clearly has some musical talents. On the other hand, Nintendo has just rolled out Pokemon Diamond & Pearl soundtracks. They are available on iTunes for just $9.99.
All in all, the fan-made soundtrack deserves some look into by Nintendo official. Who knows? It might just be popular enough to be the official thing.
At first, Diancie got its move revealed. Then, there is the leak which reveals on how Diancie will be rolled out. Now, theme music for this upcoming Pokemon has been composed by a Pokemon enthusiast.
In light of the upcoming Pokemon X & Y movie, Cocoon of Destruction & Diancie, the fan has created a special music for this latest Pokemon to come into the game. The musician, known as MrLondonuts on his YouTube channel, expressed his love for Diancie by gifting it a song which is worth listening to. (See Below)
The fan clearly has some musical talents. On the other hand, Nintendo has just rolled out Pokemon Diamond & Pearl soundtracks. They are available on iTunes for just $9.99.
All in all, the fan-made soundtrack deserves some look into by Nintendo official. Who knows? It might just be popular enough to be the official thing.