Apple iOS 9.3 Will Have Employers Feeling Expose

Apple is looking to add in a few more features and upgrades to the Apple iOS 9.3 and it looks like employers who have their company-issued iPhone tracked will be exposed after the new update.

Most employees will not know if their company-issued smartphone is being tracked or not but after the iOS 9.3 update, employees will know for sure as the device will display the message “This iPhone is managed by your organization” on the lock screen so that people will know if they are being tracked or not.

Besides that update, the Apple iOS 9.3 will also be coming in with a few new features like the Night Shift feature where the light of the screen will adapt to the time of the day to help users relax along with WiFi calling features and more. The new iOS 9.3 will also come with an upgraded version of Notes.

The new iOS will most likely arrive later this month after the Apple Event.

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