Earlier this year, Nissan launched the first and only AWD crossover convertible known as the Nissan Murano Convertible. The SUV received mix reactions from the public over its awkward design that needs some getting used to.
Independent concept designer, X-Tomi, is among those that simply couldn’t accept the Murano Convertible. Hence, the lad created his own visualization of the vehicle and it became more popular and acceptable than the real thing.
All X-Tomi did was removing the top of the normal Murano, tweak the body slightly and gave it two-doors instead of four. The end result is something much more appealing than the original Murano Convertible.
Then again, Nissan won’t be thinking of giving their weird SUV a facelift or redesign anytime soon. After all, the Japanese carmaker is still selling the Murano Convertible, which retails at $41,995. Perhaps, Nissan could take some notes from what X-Tomi has produced.