Will GTA5 next-gen include extra content?

There has been quite some speculation about GTA5 next-gen and what we will receive with it. Obviously we will have some updated graphics and functionality but will we receive any new DLC for the game? Possibly something for the story.

Of course we have had the free DLC but it is nothing compared to the DLC from GTA4 that actually used story for the DLC. It will almost be a year of GTA5 being out when the next-gen versions go out to the public, I’m sure is ample time to create a new smaller story for the game.

So, could we see a new piece of cool Rockstar story with the release of the new versions? All we can really do is speculate and hope, with luck we can see some new story from the writers at Rockstar.

Let us know what you think. Stick with Motoringcrunch for all the latest news in the gaming industry.

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