Ever since iOS 7 came out with its 64-bit chip, Android fans have been waiting for a device that can handle 64-bit. There’s been no info or confirmation from Google, but a recent Nexus 8 leak might give the Android community some idea about the timescale for a 64-bit advent.
These leaks followed a few pictures, supposedly of the new Nexus 8, as well as spec sheets. This sheet suggests that it might run on 64-bit Android 4.5 or 5.0 Lollipop. If these leaks hold true, this’ll be the first 64-bit Android device and it will show us the direction Android is taking.
Most high-end gadgets have at least 3GB of RAM, so Android needs to get with the programme and shift up to 64-bit. We should see 4.5/5.0 Lolipop at Google I/O 2014.