iOS 7.1 is the latest OS, but we’ve seen an untethered version of the jailbreak from Winocm who posted a vid of it working on his iPhone 4 on YouTube.
We can assume, therefore, that this jailbreak will work on the fourth gen iPod and first gen iPad because they have the same chip. It won’t work on more recent devices however, as they have the 5 chips. This shows how much Apple has upped its security.
The iPhones 5C and 5S have proved resistant to jailbreakers so far, but if anyone’s going to come up with a jailbreak it’ll be Evad3rs, after all they gave us the iOS 7 jailbreak for the 5S and 5C.
The team isn’t saying anything yet, though, it’s just let Winocm do his thing.
It’s possible that Evad3rs is working on the iOS 7.1 jailbreak in secret, but others say they’re waiting for iOS 8.