Nintendo Switch: Clearer Picture Of 1-2 Switch

When Nintendo announced the new Nintendo Switch console, they also reveal the 1-2 Switch launch title. They also talk about some of the minigames that the title will come with but there were still a lot that they were not telling us.

Now, Nintendo is giving us a clear picture of what to expect by announcing that the title will come with 28 mini games to start with along with 10 new trailers for the title.

Based on the new trailers, we know that some of the mini-game will include Beach Flag, Sword Fights, Liar Dice, Telephone, Baby, Soda, Shaver, Runway and more. The trailer is pretty goofy so you might want to check them out for yourself. Here is one of the 10 trailer that Nintendo released for 1-2 Switch.

The new Nintendo Switch console will be arriving in March. The price of the console is still a mystery for now.

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