Unchartered 4 is being developed by Naughty Dog and is expected to be the first title in the series to debut on the PS4. However, little is known on when that may happen. There seems to be a lot of stress on Unchartered 4’s release date with news on the writer, Amy Hennig, leaving the company halfway through. In spite of that, Naughty Dog assured the fans that Unchartered 4 won’t deviate from its course.
As for the contents coming into the game, the only clues we have is from the trailer itself. Many discoveries from the trailer suggest that Unchartered 4 will be taking place in Cape Agulhas, South Africa. Towards the end of the trailer, the video points to Ile Sainte Marie, right by Madagascar. This particular island has a rich history of pirates. It is basically a pirate haven known as Libertatia.
With this in mind, Unchartered 4 could follow the footsteps of Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag. The game might involve pirates and such. There is also that voice on the trailer which is vengeful towards the protagonist, Nathan Drake. The voice is expected to be the villain in Unchartered 4.
All in all, there is a great deal of excitement for Unchartered 4. While there may not be any release date yet, fans of the franchise can expect more announcement made during E3 this year.