Resident Evil 7: Out With The Old, In With The New?

There has been a lot of talk about whether Resident Evil 7, which is under development, should have more of the traditional gameplay that was in the first Resident Evil trilogy or if it should be revolutionary.

Fans of the game have been taking part in discussions and the result seems to be simple. Many fans don’t seem to mind the new features that were introduced into Resident Evil 4, about all else fans of the game just want the franchise to be thrilling and have a plot that is mysterious and is filled with horror.

New fans of Resident Evil games said that Capcom seems to have focused on shooting, this could be down to the fact that shooting games have been big in the gaming industry.

Resident Evil 7 is in production and things could be about to go sour and Capcom could stand to lose many of their traditional fans. They say that a balance is needed between traditional gameplay of old and new, for Resident Evil 7 to be successful.

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