There are some people who say that hacking is a crime, but then other people see the hackers as being modern day Robin Hoods. iOS 7.1 has put the brakes on jailbreaking for the time being, however you don’t have to update to iOS 7.1 to enjoy its features as you can get them with iOS 7.
Many of the things that came with iOS 7.1 have been made available for iOS 7 thanks to Cydia. The calendars new looks for instance can be achieved by heading to this link
There is more to it than just the calendar though and there are other apps that bring in new features. These are as follows:
1. Speed Intensifier
The animation in iOS 7.1 is much faster than before. This can be tweaked for free with the Speed Intensifier.
2. Winterboard theme
Such an app updates all the icons to look exactly like iOS 7.1.
3. Automatic Flash Indicator
The iOS 7.1 camera icon now turns yellow whenever the flash is about to go off. With this tweak, the same can happen for the iOS 7 hailbreak.
4. Disable Parallax
Tweaking the Parallax’s settings is impossible no longer. With the HiddenSettings7, it can be done and there is no need for the iOS 7.1.
5. F.lux
Sometimes, the iPhone might be abusive of the white colour which often blinds you at night. The white on the iOS 7.1 is much better. Install F.lux to tone down the white.