It is torturing to be a Half Life fan with Valve continuously delaying Half Life 3’s announcement. For some of the fans, they are getting really desperate and starting teasing on the idea of Half Life 3 to get produced by a third party developer.
Well, this should not and must not happen at all. This is because of the prestigious status that the Half Life series hold. Being one of the best gaming series in all of history, Half Life 3 is expected to become a global phenomenon when released.
The entire series are produced by Valve and there is simply no way for the game developer to hand over their golden production to a third-party developer. Doing so carries a huge risk of destroying the legacy of Half Life that Valve has built.
Besides, it is pretty obvious that Valve wants its name imprinted next to Half Life 3 when they bag every award there is in the gaming industry. Seeing another developer’s name will only upset them big time.