GTA 5: Halloween Is Here & So Its This Extremely Creepy Trevor Costume

We’re just days away from Halloween now and we can imagine that there are definitely going to be some new costume ideas based on characters we have come to love in 2013.

One in particular would have to be Trevor from GTA 5. There’s no doubt than many Halloween goers plan to dress up like this homicida GTA 5 character. We just recently wrote a story about how Trevor was the epitome of GTA 5 players and it was evident in GTA Online where everyone behaved just like Trevor!

So what do you need to pull of the Trevor look? Simply put a raggedy shirt, fuel can and lighter should do the trick. And if you really want to creep people out, you should see what one GTA 5 fan did. Reddit user Skydart posted an image of his friend’s Halloween costumer as Trevor and we have to say it has to be the best one we’ve seen yet!

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