Shenmue lll Looking Really Good

It was a big day for Shenmue fans when the game was announced at E3 last year and now we get to see how good the game will look when it arrives as new leaked screenshots of the game made its way online.

The images came from the MAGIC expo in Monaco. The images showed the mountain setting of the game as well as their characters from the game Shenhua and Ryo and we got to say it is looking really good.

The developer of the game manages to get about $6.3 million from the crowd funding site Kickstarter after the game was announced last year. Their goal was to collect $10million but it looks like he is already doing wonders with the $6.3million that he got.

But this does not guarantee that the game will come out looking like the screenshots. We have seen more than a few games with stunning graphics before the release looked a little less impressive when the official game arrives.

Shenmue lll is expected to arrive on the 4th of December next year for PC and PS4.

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