Land Rover Discovery LR5 See-Through!

What makes a vehicle a great off-roader? In today’s times, running on AWD does not mean anything if the car does not have all the features to assist it in tackling the tough terrain.

Land Rover is aware of it which is why the upcoming Discovery LRS will be coming with something that can assist the driver with off-road driving. It is a transparent bonnet. The feature basically utilizes cameras mounted on the grille and Head-Up Display technology to provide full visibility of what is underneath and in front of the car with total clarity.

This will surely come in handy as drivers will be able to view the road ahead, even when on an incline position. Furthermore, the transparent hood will eliminate the hidden obstacles that often affects off road drivers.

In detail, the camera is mounted on the front bumper and it captures live images of the road under the bonnet and ahead. Basically, the camera covers the areas that are blinded to the driver. The image feed will then be broadcasted on the car’s hood through a broadcaster attached near it.

The projection will take on an angle where the driver gets x-ray like visualization of everything ahead of the Discovery LRS. The new technology will also give the driver more confidence when going on expedition that is both demanding and risky.

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