Sony Xperia Z1, Z Ultra & Compact KitKat Update Now Available!

Sony has revealed the fact that they will roll out the KitKat 4.4 update for the Sony Xperia Z1, the Xperia Z1 Compact and the Sony Xperia ZS Ultra. The updates has already started to arrive on the handsets so it should be arriving anyday.

The software brings with it the latest Google changes, which mainly are related to speed and performance, it also comes with the changes that Sony chose to make with their custom Xperia software.

This brings changes that include tweaks to the Quick Settings along with Status bar so that they are more customisable and intuitive; the interface takes on the appearance of the PS4. There have also been tweaks to the native app portfolio and users can choose from 280 assets to add style to their handset.

Sony also said that they will offer KitKat to owners of the Sony Xperia Z, Xperia ZL, Xperia Tablet Z, and Xperia ZR sometime in the middle of Q2. Details for a KitKat rollout for the Xperia T2 Ultra, Xperia E1, and Xperia M2 will come in the future, as well.

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