Untethered Jailbreak For iOS 7.1.1 Arrives But With Evad3rs Hot On Its Heels

The website said that you could jailbreak the iPhone with iOS 7.1.1 and many fans were surprised as it arrived not too long after Apple launched iOS 7.1.

The claims that 7jailbreak made however are just a joke. The main giveaway was when the website said that you don’t need to connect your iPhone to the computer in order to jailbreak it.

7jaibreak also mentioned the name of Joshua Hill, he is better known in jailbreaking circles as P0Sixninja. However he came out and said that he hadn’t played any part in the jailbreak and warned people against downloading it.

The app which is claimed to jailbreak the phone is packed with adware that can take over the phone. So in other words the jailbreak was made just to make money.

If anyone will offer a jailbreak then it will be the Evad3rs. At the moment they haven’t shown any interest in jailbreaking iOS 7.1 and it looks as though they could have people waiting for the arrival of iOS 8 before they make a move. Pod2g said that if he did have some free time then he would turn to looking at iOS 7.1 and a possible jailbreak.

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