Nissan Leaf Making Fun Of Tesla Waiting Time

It is a known fact that if you would like to drive a Tesla, you will have to wait for months before you can get behind the wheels. In fact, it is so well known that people immediately knew that Nissan was poking fun of Tesla in their new Nissan Leaf ad.

Nissan did not mention Tesla specifically but they did make fun of a certain company that is out there taking reservations for a car that is not even in its final production stage. They also poke fun of how people had to wait for such a long time for an EV model.

The ad would have worked if only Nissan had a real contender in the market. Their Nissan Leaf is in need of a huge upgrade and Nissan does not seem to be in a hurry to give it one. In a way, they too are making their customers wait for them to start offering the Nissan Leaf with a bigger battery pack.

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