Half Life 3 & Valve’s Steambox Exclusive Worries

Could we see Half Life 3 come out for Steam Box only, with no versions for PS4 and Xbox One?

Fans don’t seem to be very excited about Half Life 3 even though they have been waiting a long time to hear about it and the game could be about to be released. S&R said this could be down to the fact that the game hasn’t been shown off much by the developers. Fans therefore don’t have much to go on and talk about as the only thing that is sure is that the game is being developed.

S&R said that when Half Life 3 is announced, it would create a huge stir, just as any other game does when it gets revealed. In fact when it is announced it will be all that fans will talk about for some time to come. They said that it would seem like the super hero had come to save the day when everyone thought all was lost.

Half Life 2 was shown off too soon and so excitement died off by the time that it was officially announced. This is the reason why Valve may have not given out too much information said S&R.

S&R also said you should look at id software when the announced Doom in 2008, they then didn’t reveal anything about the game for the longest time. EA also did the same when they announced Mirrors Edge 2. Valve however could just tell people that Half Life 3 is in development and this would make people’s lives much easier. At the moment it just seems as though they are avoiding wanting to be known as the developer of Half Life.

Valve does like to push out MP games with in-game stores and they also like to highlight Steam as being something that is able to compete against other consoles.

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