Google Nexus 6 Review: Not So Flawless After All

Last month, Google launched the all-new Nexus 6 and today, we finally got our hands on the smartphone. The moment we unboxed the Nexus 6, we were greeted by a large device that blurs the line between a phone and a tablet. Without any delay, we thoroughly explored the device and here is what we found.

The first thing we liked about the Nexus 6 is the ultra-sharp QHD display. The smartphone is based on the second-gen Moto X but it comes with some separate offerings. For starters, we were amazed by auto wake up feature which lids the screen whenever the Nexus 6 is picked up from a flat surface.

On the dim display, we can see the locked screen with notification cards populating it. Speaking about notifications, there is now three categories for users to indulge on. They are All, Priority and None. When tapped on All, the lockscreen will load up every notification that is unchecked. If Priority is selected, it will display every notification from prioritized apps and contacts. Of course, None will prevent all notifications from appearing at the lockscreen.

In short, the Nexus 6 is built to cater to the user instead of the user needing to manually seek information for themselves. Even Gmail and calendar have been improved to offer better management.

On the flipside of things, we find the device too big for our liking. It is understood that the 6” is opted to match the device’s name and generation. As sweet as that sounds, it doesn’t help in easing typing on the keyboard. Heck, there is no way to even operate the smartphone with one hand.

The other flaw with the Nexus 6 is its security. The fault is actually with the Google Play Store, which is not strict in filtering clone apps or viral apps. This is something Google needs to address as it has been plaguing the Android platform since the beginning of time.

Then there is the issue with the camera. The Nexus 6 has a 13MP rear shooter that is definitely better than its predecessor. The rear camera is very responsive and has an ultrafast autofocus. Then again, the image quality has been disappointing, just like every previous Nexus smartphones.

Aside from all that, the Nexus 6 still remains to be as one of the best smartphones in history. The Nexus badge has gone a long way since it first started about half-a-decade-ago. Even so, Google has never stop improving the Nexus, thus confirming the Nexus 6’s position as probably the leader among smartphones.

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