Facebook Timeline Now For All, You Have 1 Week To Hide Your Profile!

One of the biggest changes to the Facebook design overhaul would have to be the Facebook Timeline which will begin to take over all user profiles starting tonight. According to the company, everyone will be seeing the new Timeline in the next few weeks and here’s the kicker: you have exactly 1 week to see what is there now, and hide anything you don’t want other to see.

To recap in case you’re late to the party and unclear on what the Facebook Timeline is, it is a means by which you can travel back through your Facebook posts – posts which would normally vanish from the wall forever. These posts which date back to many years ago are now able to be seen using the new navigational elements on the right-side of your screen that let you quickly travel back all the way when you made your first wall post.

You can even organize them by using the new status update box, which now allows for various “life events” like marriages, births, deaths, trips, jobs, etc.

Given that the Timeline lets you see your whole life in posts, it may be dangerous if your boss, parents or boyfriend/girlfriend could browse through it, hence the 1 week given to do a “cleanup”

How to hide parts your of your Facebook Timeline

It is quite simple. Go to your timeline and click the pencil to hide, delete or edit a post. You can also use the privacy drop-down to change who can see posts.

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