GTA 5: Ability To Disguise Yourself As An NPC Beckoned In Next Update

GTA 5 has been around for so long now and the players are getting tired of the same old thing. With Rockstar working on the next content update, the GTA community has been particularly loud as they gave out their suggestions for the game.

Of course, most GTA 5 players are calling for new contents to come to the game’s multiplayer mode, GTA Online. Aside from the heist DLC, it appears that the players want the ability to disguise themselves as NPC in the online multiplayer game.

It all started off with the calling of the sitting ability in GTA Online. Players want to see the game offering more realism by allowing players to sit on benches and sofas in GTA Online. However, other players revealed that it will only invite more problems as other players will tend to take the opportunity to do gestures in reference to sex.

From there, Redditor Seweso suggests for the players blip to disappear whenever they are sitting down like how it is when in passive mode. Other players added that without the blip, players can dress up like common NPCs and can use stealth when hunting a person down.

All in all, such an idea is simple to create from a great game developer like Rockstar. With the next DLC coming to the game soon, it is definitely a wonder if this suggestion is able to make it in time.

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