Resident Evil 7: Thirst For Grime & Horror Depicted Accurately By Fanart

The latest Resident Evil 6 has been a major flop and is probably the biggest wake up call for the game developer. The fans are clearly unhappy with the load of crap they’ve been playing since Resident Evil 4.

Following the first trilogy, all the Resident players got was a fast-paced, repetitive shooter wannabe games that has zero suspense, thrill and horror for them to indulge on. With the certainty of a Resident Evil 7 coming in the future, Capcom is at risk of killing the franchise entirely.

Fans have been out and about in trying to prevent this to happen. Over at Reddit, one fan shared his rendition of Resident Evil 7’s logo which simply reminds us on the definition of horror.

It is just a plain Resident Evil 7 text with blood covered all over it. The colour choices are of those dark types which invite all the negative energies and entities to it. This is something that the fans want.

Then again, anything fan-made will surely be disregard by Capcom. The fans are aware of this and hope that the game developer at least consider the grave importance of the matter. The verdict will only come when Resident Evil 7 gets released. Protection Status