Verizon Nexus 5 Doorway Opens, Nexus 6 A No-Show

The Google Nexus 5 brings with it new ideas about what the price tag of a good smartphone should be. The device came out last year and there is no doubt that it is great value for money. Apart from Verizon, the handset did sell well with carriers.

Verizon didn’t offer the device and so it would be a huge surprise if they suddenly chose to offer the Nexus 5 to customers. The Nexus 6 should be coming out onto the market soon, perhaps by autumn.

One thing that people want to know is who is going to be behind the creation of the Nexus 6. LG were the ones who brought out the Nexus 4 and 5, so they may be behind the Nexus 6 also. On the other hand it could be Motorola and Lenovo.

When it does make its way onto the market it will have to compete with such as the iPhone 6 and the Samsung Galaxy S5. We have heard that the CDMA/LTE LG Nexus 5 could be coming just before the Nexus 6.

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