The GTA V is already released for quite some time now and we believe that many players have completed the main missions. Well, now the game is an open play for these players as they decide on what to do in the game.
For a start, maybe you might want to take a break from all the seriousness in the game and have a fun past time. Get out of your safe house, and try out the cheats. What’s the point of Rockstar releasing them but have no one to utilize them? However do save your game before using the cheats as it will block your trophies and accomplishments, which on the other hand, can be unblocked upon resetting the game.
The cheats for the game are not a big secret. They can be found everywhere in the Internet. You need to enter the codes every time you want to use it. Here is the list of cheat codes to spawn vehicles for the GTA V. Please note that the digits in the bracket means the number of time you need to press the assigned button.
1. A Sports Coupe
Xbox 360 – RB, B, RT, Right, LB, LT, A(2), X, RB
PS3 – R1, Circle, R2, Right, L1, L2, X(2), Square, R1
2. A Small Attack Helicopter
Xbox 360 – B(2), LB, B(3), LB, LT, RB, Y, B, Y
PS3 -Circle(2), L1, Circle(3), L1, L2, R1, Triangle, Circle, Triangle
3. BMX Bicycle
Xbox 360 – press Left(2), Right(2), Left, Right, X, B, Y, RB, RT
PS3- Left(2), Right(2), Left, Right, Square, Circle, Triangle, R1, R2.
4. Crop Duster Plane
Xbox 360 – press Left, RB(3), Left, Y(2), A, B, LB(2)
PS3 – Right, Left, R1(3), Left, Triangle(2), X, Circle, L1(2)
5. Limousine
Xbox 360 – RT, Right, LT, Left(2), RB, LB, B, Right
PS3 – R2, Right, L2, Left(2), R1, L1, Circle, Right
6. Parachute
Xbox 360 -Left, Right, LB, LT, RB, RT(2), Left(2), Right, LB
PS3 – Left, Right, L1, L2, R1, R2(2), Left(2), Right, L1
7. Fixed-Wing Stunt Plane
Xbox 360 – press B, Right, LB, LT, Left, RB, LB(2), Left(2), A, Y
PS3 – Circle, Right, L1, L2, Left, R1, L1(2), Left(2), X, Triangle
No more worries on your car going missing or venture for exotic vehicles by using these cheats.