Back in 2008, Turtle Rock gave birth to an epic gaming series known as Left 4 Dead. The game puts four players in a co-op mode as they struggle to survive the post-apocalyptic zombie mayhem. L4D was a work of wonders and Valve took credit for everything.
Now that Turtle Rock is no longer a tool of Valve, fans of L4D are wondering on the fate of the gaming series. Will there or will there not be a L4D3?
The signs are hinting that Turtle Rock won’t create L4D3 at all. Phil Robb revealed that since the company independence, they have been focusing on a brand new IP called Evolve.
Similar to L4D, Evolve put players together in a co-op and they have to rely on their abilities and the environment and destroy the objective of the game.
Phil further revealed that Evolve is the first idea from Turtle Rock, not L4D. Now that the company is working independently, they can produce Evolve and see how it goes. The co-founder then gave out heart-breaking news where he said that the team of developers have already worked on L4D and are looking forward to do something new.
On the bright side, nobody has denied the coming of L4D3 which strongly hints it to be the last title coming for the franchise. Both Valve and Turtle Rock might not see eye to eye on things but both couldn’t disagree that a L4D3 is what the fans want.