The Last Guardian: Players Won’t Be In Control

After laying low for some time, The Last Guardian was re-introduced at E3 last year and like before, the game went back to being silent. So what’s the deal?

While there is still a lot of details that we won’t know yet, at least we now have a clearer picture of what Trico, the giant beast will be like in the game. Trico is a giant creature that will response to some of the commands the players gives it.

Depending on the mood of Trico, it can choose to ignore or obey the player. While some players are saying that they would end up being more frustrated with the game, Fumito Ueda said that he wanted it to be that way.

He said that there are more than a few games out there where the player have full control over a creature and that he do not find them enjoyable anymore. He wants the players to experienced something new.

Check out the trailer for The Last Guardian below.

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