Prince of Persia: A Cruel Joke

Well, it looks like the only Prince of Persia news we will be getting this year will be the free Prince of Persia: Sand of Time on PC earlier this year.

When a Reflection staff released an image containing all the other Prince fo Persia game on Twitter, we all thought that there is something going on. The fact that the image had a question mark at the end suggest that here is going to be more but nothing came after that.

The Prince of Persia franchise has always had a huge following and fans were all hoping that Ubisoft might revive the game once more but it does not feel like that is going to happen, at least not anytime soon.

Previous rumor suggests that the next Prince of Persia game could be a 2D game like Rayman which is not exactly what we wanted but at this point, anything is better than nothing.

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