Half Life 2 Completed In Under 20mins, Bring Half Life 3!

Gamers who like the Half Life series are waiting for Half Life 3 to arrive and while doing so they have gone back to playing Half Life 2 over again. One player bragged about finishing the game in 30 minutes but then someone else beat him as they completed in in just less than 20 minutes.

QuadRazid posted on YouTube and said that he finished it in 20 minutes and it is amazing how he managed to do so.

There were some people that wondered just how he had done it, and what about things such as health and speed at which the character ran. Of course he used glitches. For instance with the door glitch his health was boosted numerous times. This came in very helpful when it came to falling and he used the crouch technique so as to bring down the damage and the character was tweaked so as to run quicker.

It is a great video and if you haven’t already seen it check it out.

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