Microsoft Lumia 900: Force To Stay In The Past

Microsoft’s way of updating their smartphone is definitely not going to help convince their customers to stick with them.

Microsoft constantly upgrades their software and that would be great if they keep offering the updates to all their users but that is not what is going on right now. Microsoft announces that they were going to stop supporting some of the smartphones like the Microsoft Lumia 900 and that has forced their customers to live in the past.

Some Microsoft Lumia 900 customers reported that they were left with the old OS and Microsoft has all but forgotten about them. That is not the worst either. According to some of the users, some features were slowly disappearing from their device. Features like Zune Video were taken away and now, they are left with a smartphone that does not really have much to offer.

If Microsoft wants to keep their customers, they will have to ensure them that they are going to support them for a longer period of time and not leave them behind. Protection Status