GTA 5: Junk Food Cures All – Even Gunshots

Rockstar’s GTA 5 has been giving parents quite the headache with the game’s effect to their children. Many complaints have been filed by parents on the realism of the game that could blur the difference between game world and real world.

It is understandable that most parents are simply worried that children might re-enact the bad things on the games but to blame it on the realism of GTA 5, they might have made a mistake. Rockstar’s latest title may probably have the best graphics upgrade with its precise cloning of an entire city but none of it represents the real world.

The very term of realism, based on the complains, is referring to the gestures, actions and consequences of the character. It never involves the environment and that is why parents are wrong. To further elaborate on the matter, parents have to try playing the game to be able to see it, well, as a game. I mean there are plenty of examples to look into.

You can get shot in the game multiple times and still be able to pretend like it never happened. The character in the game still depends on the life bar. If it goes low, get full as easy as literally eating a hotdog. Even if you make trouble by causing the death of many innocent lives and get caught in the action by the game’s police force, it will just be an hour prison stay. How is that even real?

In conclusion, it is not the actions in the game that is getting too real. It is more on the graphics enhancement and an improved gameplay that simply adds in more common sense this time round.

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